English church, Taipei

Evergreen Fellowship

Ministry Leader: Winnie Liang
Email: wistlesliang@hotmail.com

Evergreen Fellowship

Evergreen is an international bi-lingual Christian fellowship of Grace Baptist Church. We meet every Saturday night, 6:00 to 8:00 PM. in Room 401.  The history of Evergreen dates back to the 1930’s when Inabelle Coleman started Evergreen fellowship at the University of Shanghai. In 1945, when, at the closure of World War II, the Communists forced Miss Coleman to leave the mainland, she brought Evergreen to Taiwan.

Grace Baptist church started out with around 50 members in the English section, and between 10 and 20 in the Chinese section. As the Chinese portion outgrew the English-speaker part, Evergreen became an English-speaking fellowship of Grace Baptist Church, with helping Christians live out God’s Truth in practical.

As the members have changed throughout the past years, the target people of who we serve may have some change, but the vision of Evergreen is keep following the Gospel Matthew 28:19 to 20 which is “To Win, To Equip, To Send” . Today, Evergreen is a bi-lingual fellowship and has a regular attendance of around 35. The leadership is made up of Christians from various parts of the world to Grace Baptist Church, reflects the diversity in Evergreen.

We hope you’ll get involved in deep relationships here and join our family. We encourage you to invite your believing and non-believing friends.


常綠團契是一個國際性的雙語基督徒團契. 聚會時間和地點是每週六晚上六點到八點在懷恩堂的401教室。常綠團契是1930年代考門夫人在上海大學創立的。1945年,正值二次大戰結束,共產黨迫使考門夫人離開大陸,於是考門夫人將常綠團契遷移到台灣。 懷恩堂開始成立時,英語部約有五十人、中文部約只有十到二十人左右。之後,由於英文部的人數超過了中文部,因此常綠便成為英文堂的團契,並致力於幫助基督徒將上帝的真理實踐於日常生活中。 儘管在這數十年中,由於成員的改變,常綠服事的對象也有一些調整。然而,常綠的目標仍是按著聖經馬太福音二十八章十九到二十節所訂定的是-得人、裝備、差派。現在常綠是一個中英文”雙語”的國際基督徒團契,定期出席聚會的人數約有三十五人。而負責帶領的同工群,也由從世界各地來到懷恩堂穩定聚會的弟兄姐妹擔任,這正充分反映常綠的多元化特色。 我們歡迎你能成為這個大家庭的一份子,也盼望你能邀請你已經信主或是還未信主的朋友加入我們。 Video Facebook
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