Morning Worship Ministries

Morning Music
This ministry is limited only to the worship leading aspect of the service and not the entire worship service. Currently, incumbent ministry head coordinates the scheduling of the morning worship leaders and accompanists as well as special music aspect of the morning worship service.
Current worship leaders are Cherrie Lim, Armand Lim, Michael Huang, and Anne Tan. Current accompanists are Vicky Lin, Catherine Liu, Serena Chang and Monica Kong.
Ministry Leader: Cherrie Gow Lim
Morning Greeters
The greeters (ushers) are those who make first impressions on first-time guests. We welcome GBC members and guests in the English morning worship service at the sanctuary and hand out bulletin to attendees. We also collect the weekly tithes and offering.
Everybody with a welcoming smile is most welcome to serve.
Greeter Leader 1: Arjun Puvvala
Greeter Leader 2: Alltrin Dhana Raja Gopal

Morning Multimedia
The Multimedia Ministry uses technology to enhance the worship experience by supporting the choir, the congregational music, and the message through PowerPoint and video playing. We serve based on a duty schedule. Whoever is on duty will meet with the song leader early that Sunday for rehearsal.
Whoever is interested and fully committed in helping increase the effectiveness of reaching people through Morning PowerPoint Ministry. The one who is on duty will meet in Room 305 at 9:30 a.m. to practice with the song leader on that Sunday.
Morning Multimedia Leader: Liang Lai