English church, Taipei

Explore the Bible

Memory Verse

So the word of God spread, the disciples in Jerusalem increased greatly in number, and a large group of priests became obedient to the faith.

Acts 6:7

In Case of Typhoon

When a typhoon warning is issued and the Taipei City government announces that schools and offices are closed, all activities at GBC and small group meetings at homes will also be canceled. HOWEVER, our Sunday morning service will still be available online. Click the “Live Worship” button above to join the service online.

Membership/Baptism Class New Cycle

Starts July 28

  • The Class is called “Christianity 101”
  • It consists of 10 lessons which introduce basic Christian teachings
  • You need to join it if to apply for GBC membership or be baptized in GBC on November 24
  • 11:30 a.m. Sundays in Mount of Olives Room (Ask staff or the front desk if you don’t know how where Mount of Olives Room is.)

Coffee Deck Activities after AM Service

Morning Tea

Meet and fellowship with each other.

Visitor's Table

Know about GBC and our congregation.

GBC Music Activities

Click the title above for the latest Concert information
(in Chinese)

If you are a GBC member, gifted in music, and would like to serve God in one of our music ministries, please find information HERE.

Ministries/Matters Highlighted

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