English church, Taipei

Expore the Bible Memory Verse:  I will take you as my people, and I will be your God. (Exodus 6:7a)

First Advent Sunday:

Lighting the Prophecy Candle

~ The virgin will give birth to a son and call him Immanuel ~

Morning Service

Evening Service

Come! Join our final Advent Lighting in Christmas Eve Service: 10:00 – 11:00 p.m. in Coleman Hall (basement) Tuesday, December 24. 

Coffee Deck Activities after AM Service

Morning Tea

Meet and fellowship with each other.

Visitor's Table

Know about GBC and our congregation.

GBC Music Activities

Click the title above for the latest Concert information
(in Chinese)

If you are a GBC member, gifted in music, and would like to serve God in one of our music ministries, please find information HERE.

Ministries/Matters Highlighted

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