English church, Taipei

5/27 (Sat.) Missions Seminars

Time: 09:30-11:30 & 14:00-15:30

Speaker: Dr. Sunquist



Missions Workshop

Time: 15:40-17:00

Speaker: Ms. Shen


Missions Workshop

Time: 15:40-17:00

Speaker: Ms. Shen


Ms. Shen is a missionary sent by Taiwan Campus Crusade who trains leaders.

Workshop: “Preparing from Moses’ Experience and Comparing with Personal



5/28 (Sun.) Missions Sunday Services

10:00-11:10 (English)

Speaker: Dr. Sunquist


08:30-09:40 & 11:30-12:40 (Bilingual)

Speaker: Dr. Sunquist


5/28 (Sun.) Missions Seminar

Time: 14:00-15:30

Speaker: Dr. Sunquist


Missions Workshop

Time: 15:40-17:00

Speaker: Kelly


Kelly is a missionary sent by the OMF who has been serving in Japan for

ten years.

Workshop: “A World below 1%”


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