English church, Taipei

Fellowships Overview

Grace Baptist Church offers opportunities for people to meet in small home or church groups where they can pray, study the Bible, and fellowship together.

Evergreen Fellowship

Evergreen is an international bilingual Christian fellowship group that meets regularly to worship, prayer, study the Bible, and cultivate friendships to encourage personal growth. Nonbelievers who are seeking the Truth or are attracted to the safe and intimate environment of Christian fellowship are also welcome. Its mission is “To Win, To Equip, To Send” (form Matthew 28:19-20).  Evergreen meets every Saturday evening at 6:00 pm in Room 401.

Mabuhay Fellowship

Mabuhay Fellowship is sponsored by the Filipino group at Grace Baptist Church, but they welcome everyone to their activities in Room B05 (basement). They have a potluck lunch every Sunday at 12:30 pm. The group also meets for prayer on the 1st Sunday of each month, Bible study on the 2nd Sunday, fellowship with inspirational speakers on the 3rd Sunday, and special fellowship activities on the 4th and 5th Sundays.

Morning Tea

Between the morning worship and Sunday school, Morning Tea (11:00 am – 11:30 am) provides fellowship that gives us all an opportunity to get to know one another.

Evening Tea

One the last Sunday of each month after evening worship, Evening Tea enables us to share light food and drinks in a warm, friendly atmosphere.

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