Due to the COVID-19 situation, all GBC meetings and activities in GBC will be cancelled or held online until April 23. The measures that the church will apply after April 23 will be announced at a future date. If you have questions, please contact the staff.
GBC English Congregation welcomes you to join us online:
A. Sunday online worship service: 10:00 a.m. on Sunday
Suggested steps:
1. Download the bulletin
(5 to 10 minutes before 10:00 a.m., go to the GBC website at www.gbc.org.tw/en, and click “Today’s Bulletin”.)
2. Prepare your heart to worship
(Prepare the Bible, offering envelope, pen, notebook & preferably go to a quiet place.)
3. Worship online (Click “Live Worship” on the GBC website.)
B. Wednesday Night Prayer Meeting: 7:30 p.m. on Wednesday
Email Minister Priscilla (priscilla@gbc.org.tw) for how to join the Zoom prayer meeting.
C. Christianity 101 class: 11:30 a.m. on Sunday
The basics of Christianity in 10 classes – required for baptism. Contact the leader, Yuri Shih, at yuchen_phone@hotmail.com to join.
D. Bible Studies for Life adult classes:
Online (Zoom) class times and contact emails are listed HERE.
E. Small Groups:
Online (Zoom) group times and contact emails are listed HERE.