English church, Taipei

Pray for Frontier People Groups (FPG)

For more information, please visit Cross Road Publication: https://www.crossroadspublications.org/

Pray for Frontier People Groups (UPG), that:

1. God will send the Holy Spirit to convert the people in these FPGs. May

local disciples be grown, and house churches/fellowships be established.

2. God will cause Christian organizations (especially churches) to commit to

praying for the 31 largest FPGs and participate in sending missionaries.

3. More cross-cultural workers and close-cultural groups will be willing to

evangelize the FPGs.

4. There will be unity and partnership between churches and missions

organizations for effective work among the FPGs.

5. God will lead translation professionals to translate the Bible and create

gospel materials to draw FPGs to God, and that God will send workers to

the FPGs to teach God’s Word.

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